Mission Statement


At Good Marks, LLC we are dedicated to assisting women who have a desire to stay

clean/sober and continue on their path of recovery. Our committed team provides a

structured, stable, and positive atmosphere for women recovering from the disease of

addiction. We believe in 12 Step work with a sponsor, individually tailored peer support,

and a strong focus on goal development/forward progress. Our hope is that our residents

learn to integrate social recovery, work ethic, education, and wellness into their lives, not

only while they are here, but long after they have moved onto the next phase of their life.


The key values for Good Marks, LLC are: Maintaining a respectful environment that

fosters individual growth, empowerment, self-determination, social justice and


Core Competencies

Good Marks, LLC's core competencies include: Good Marks, LLC and safety of our

residence emphasis on communication and influence and responsiveness to our

resident's needs.


At Good Marks, LLC communication and responsiveness is prioritized and influence and

mentorship is provided appropriately to aid in the residents' recovery through house

manager, and a skilled life skills peer coordinator as well as peer mentorship.

Proud member of M.A.S.H

About our Program

We require every resident to

Sign a sober living contract for Good Marks, LLC which fosters a structured, safe, and disciplined environment.

We work with courts, probation, and parole and detox facilities.

We impose a code of conduct.

We are grounded in a 12-step philosophy.

Sponsorship and meeting attendance is expected and encouraged.


Sobriety (zero tolerance)

Attendance at 4 AA/NA meetings per week

1 mandatory House meeting per week.

Mandatory drug tests up to 3x per week.

An honest desire to stay clean and sober.

Adhere to house rules

Individuals are required to maintain daily structure and a productive lifestyle through employment, school or volunteer work.

Affiliated with NARR